As a matter of fact, I am not going to tell you anything you haven’t heard before. I am just going to show you how to apply things you already know to your biggest advantage.
As a woman, you most likely have been in this situation I am about to describe:
Now, think back; it may be several years ago, it may be months ago, or it may even be happening to you currently.
Have you ever been in this situation where a man came into your life and it seemed like you had met Mr Right!
He did all the right things, He was soft spoken, seemed kind, bought gifts for you unprovoked. But these gifts were not just random gifts. Somehow the things he got you always ended up being so spot on, you almost screamed on receiving them.
They were either things you really needed and never mentioned or just mentioned in passing or things that were just so thoughtful.
He called you often, and you spent long hours talking to him over the phone. He didn’t seem like he was ever in a hurry with you, he didn’t bring up sex talks often, cared about your well being.
He seemed like a homely person with family values, and he had good relationships around him.
You were so carried away, you couldn’t wait to tell your girls about him and you felt this was “it” for you.
Infact, reading this already, a certain name is easily coming to your mind.
He no longer does the things he used to. He stops calling frequently, and when he finally calls, he starts up with excuses of work or stories that don’t add up.
Infact, he is in a hurry to end the call, and it seems as though he is calling to fulfil all righteousness.
You keep checking your phone regularly to see if he has sent any messages, yet nothing.
Now this withdrawal has made you miss him more.
You long for his attention. You have become used to talking and spending time with him. You keep thinking of what you did wrong.
Gradually, the communication declined till that story got into the failed talking stages box.
In most cases, one of three things happened.
Most women are quick to blame themselves and assume there were red flags.
While this may be true, this is likely not the case most of the time.
Here is why…
Yes you have heard this several times before, but I doubt that you truly understand what this means.
Let me explain so you would get the bigger picture.
Most men admit that they have concluded on what they want from any woman within their first three conversations with her. From that day, all of his actions towards her are calculated towards his end goal.
This is a really simple thing, but most women never see it.
So while you may be thinking that the red flag came from you, this person has most likely decided on what he wants to do with you long before you started liking him and getting attached to him.
This can be really sad because as women we are told to be very conscious of time. A man coming into your life for the wrong reasons, and stringing you can be not just time wasting, but also emotional draining when the lid is off.
You were first on your own minding your business, then this man comes to invade your space and starts making all the necessary efforts.
You fall in love with him and get emotionally invested. You both probably date for a while and all of a sudden, you are dealing with a heartbreak.
You lock everyone out for the next 3 to 6 months or more before you are ready to date again
What if there was a way to detect if a man truly loves you or just wants to sleep with you before you get emotionally invested???
Well, I have some news for you…
It is not that difficult.
And it is for the exact reason you already know but never figured out
Turns out that the fact men are logical is the very reason why they can be studied easily.
Logical simply means predictability. It means you can expect this person to behave in a certain way most of the time. The behaviour of most men can be easily predicted.
That’s why it is often said that men are cheap to get.
Unlike women that are more emotional and are more prone to being irrational,
Over the years, several behavioural psychologists have under-studied a series of relationships and have been able to tell with a high level of accuracy the intentions of a man in a relationship and how a relationship can pan out in the long run simply by examining these relationships.
As a result of this predictable nature of men, these psychologists were also able to come up with actions that women can take that would bring about certain desirable results from their man.
So because men can easily be engineered, there are certain things you can do in any situation that can bring about the desired results you want in a relationship.
But this took years and years to refine. You would need to start off a career in behavioural psychology in order to learn most of this.
A lot of women are going through certain dilemmas in relationships, confused and distraught from certain actions from men.
Is he giving you mixed signals? Are you sometimes unsure if he loves you?
He claims he loves you, but he has a female bestie that you are not comfortable with, and he does not feel the need to address that.
Sometimes, these men are not bad people; they may just be oblivious and nonchalant. This nonchalance can be because you have taken up the role of “understanding girlfriend” and have prioritized his needs over yours,
If you continuously prioritize his needs over yours, he would get used to not meeting your needs and that may be a harder thing to change.
A woman needs to put her man on his toes.
He needs to see a need to do better as a result of her in his life. Continuous non-chalance from a man could mean that he is not very invested in that relationship. Its important you pick up these signals quickly.
But there is a way to apply pressure on men to get the desired results.
Usually behavioural psychologists cost a fortune for a session. Hence the reason they are not popular in this part of the world.
Also, a lot of women do not attend physical therapy because they dont to be judged and they want to remain anonymous.
But imagine you could speak to some of these behavioural psychologists anonymously, share your relationship problems and scenarios and get the best tailored advice on what to do without being judged!.
Now thats exactly what we have decided to do.
We are a team of behavioural psychologists who have an in-depth understanding of relationships.
Not only have we studied relationships across the world, but we also understand the culture and context of relationships in this part of the world.
Once you make payment, you will be redirected to a form where we would love to have the details of your relationship situation.
This form is crucial as it helps us understand the specific challenges you’re facing, allowing our team of behavioral psychologists to tailor their advice specifically to your needs.
In the form, you’ll be asked to provide:
After submitting the form, our team will review your details and prepare a comprehensive analysis. You can expect to receive your personalized relationship analysis and action plan within 48 hours.
This process ensures that you get the most relevant and actionable advice to improve your relationship or to help you make the best decision moving forward.
Remember, your information will remain completely confidential, and our aim is to provide you with the guidance you need in a supportive and non-judgmental way.